KitLog pro

Powered By Kitlog Pro v2.0

John (Jack) Clark's Web Site
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Date:  7-5-2012
Number of Hours:  1.00
Manual Reference:  
Brief Description:  Removed Lead from the Elevator Counterweights

Removed Lead from the Elevator Counterweights. The drawing says to remove lead from the inside aft part of the counterweight leaving 5/8" (min. of 1/2"). I removed the lead from the right weight by tghe slow process of filing the lead off using a Vixen file. This worked but was slow going. The lead being soft, it is very resistant to cutting with a saw or cut off wheel. The file is a better choice. The results were good. Merely as an educational exercise, the left weight I tried using a series of drill holes to remove a good portion of the lead. It worked just OK. I used metal shears to remove what I could after the holes were drilled and then was back to the Vixen File. The process was a bit faster but the results were a bit rougher. Adequate but less appealing in appearance.
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Right Elevator Counterweight

Right Elevator Counterweight

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