KitLog pro

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John (Jack) Clark's Web Site
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Date:  12-7-2013
Number of Hours:  2.00
Manual Reference:  
Brief Description:  Made Reflective Plates for Nav/Strobe Lights

Made Reflective Plates for Nav/Strobe Lights. Used 0.25" 6061 T6 aluminum because it can be fairly well polished. Made a cardboard template by tracing the shape of the inboard curve of the wing tip light recess. Used the template to cut the aluminum then shaped the pieces to fit the inboard surface. Using near to size light spec. drawings as a template, I drilled holes in the aluminum for the wires, attachment screw and the heat sink protrusion. Used the aluminum plate to match drill holes in the underlying fiberglass. Inserted the lights in the plates and wing tip assembly to check the fit. Fit is good.

Polished the plates using the drill press, a small polihing bonnet and some aluminum polish. The plates will be drilled to the tips and riveted in place. The lights will be secured with 2' long #10 stainless steel screws.
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Refective Plate on Bottom

Refective Plate on Bottom

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