Brief Description: Installed Vent Line between Lt Tank and Fuselage
Installed Vent Line between Lt Tank and Fuselage using 1/4" aluminum tubing. The line was well out of the way for near future drilling of the hole in the forward tank support bracket and its bolt insertion.
Installed the Right Tank to Fuselage line. I must say that I am not the best at line installations. There was a lot of tubing wasted. The nut and collar have to line up with the nipple quite accurately. If they are off by a little, they will fail to thread. Many of my bendings would become work hardened and progressively difficult to bend. These lines would be discarded either because of appearance or frustrated/failed attempt. Sometimes the curves created and/or the attempts to persuade the tube into position would result in a narrowing or crimping of the line. These were discarded. The right tank supply line worked best with a longer length and gentler turns verses multiple tight turns attempting to make a precision alignment with the attachment.