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John (Jack) Clark's Web Site
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Date:  1-21-2014
Number of Hours:  1.50
Manual Reference:  
Brief Description:  Repositioned the Ground Adjustable Rudder Pedals

Repositioned the Ground Adjustable Rudder Pedals. While testing the propeller for the first time, it was obvious that the pedals needed to be repositioned closer to the firewall. This is one of those tasks that one does not want to do and re-do. The spaces is cramped and have limited access to the fastening hardware. Fortunately, I had installed bolts in each of the potential adjustment holes and secured these bolts with necessary washers and nuts. If I had not done this, the panel that forms the vertical section of the forward baggage compartment would have to be removed just to extract the securing hadware laterally towards the panel. There is no space between the rudder pedals' right angle that are riveted to the floor and the panel. Because all of the bolts were in place, the nuts on the new position bolts were removed, the pedals were freed from the present position, then easily moved and secured in the new position. Nuts and washers were installed on the bolts of the old position and the job was done. The new position is great!
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Pedals adjusted

Pedals adjusted

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