KitLog pro

Powered By Kitlog Pro v2.0

John (Jack) Clark's Web Site
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Date:  6-17-2013
Number of Hours:  2.00
Manual Reference:  
Brief Description:  Installed the Hinge in the Bottom of the Cowling

Installed the Hinge in the Bottom of the Cowling along the midline. Used an extruded hinge. Inserting the hinge pin is very difficult due to two changes in direction over a short distance as the hinge pin tries to conform to the s-shape of the hinge on the cowling. Tried putting a point on the tip of the hinge pin and using lubrication but still very hard to insert. Able to insert a pin using a drill to rotate the pin during insertion. Not able to insert the pin without a drill.
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Right Hinge Half Riveted

Right Hinge Half Riveted

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