KitLog pro

Powered By Kitlog Pro v2.0

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Date:  3-29-2020
Number of Hours:  5.00
Manual Reference:  
Brief Description:  First engine start!

Finally the fateful has arrived to see if all this assembly of airplane parts actually can actually make airplane noises.

I went through all the pre-oiling procedures discussed on VAF and in the Lyc doc SI-1241C, tested for good oil pressure, fuel pressure, fuel flow, the whole nine yards. All good.

Towed the plane to the nearest pad that had a pad-eye, tied her down, hooked up a car-sized battery in lieu the little Odyssey - in case there were lots of cranking involved

Turns out that the external battery was soft and it had a hard time turning the engine over with the plugs in. However, it only took one blade to start once it got around and then we're off the the races!

Obligatory evidence:

Only notable issue is that the CHT2 reads about 10% below the rest, but tracks well the other 3 well. No CHTs on this run above 275 F. EGTs track tightly.
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