Brief Description: Left wing tip trim drill and lens trim
I trimmed the left-wing tip fiberglass to fit and drilled to the wing skin.
I then trimmed the wing tip lens to fit and installed the nut plates to hold it in place.
I then installed the 42 nut plates in the edge of the wing tips and drilled and dimpled the holes on the wing skin.
I installed the Aero LED wing tip strobe and position light kit. In my enthusiasm I purchased and assembled the kit very early in my construction. The kit has been sitting and gathering dust for several years. Good to be installing them finally. I changed the jumper wires between the two boards to connectors as the planned jumper wires were very difficult to install. I spend a lot of thought on what is best for maintenance in the future taking extra time if needed.
Next, I installed the Archer VOR antenna in the wing tip. I should learn to read instructions first as the installation required drilling out 5 nut plates, match drilled and reinstalled.
I installed the wiring for the wing tip light and antenna