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Date:  3-28-2016
Number of Hours:  10.00
Manual Reference:  
Brief Description:  add rudder trim tab

I took the step of cutting into a perfectly good rudder to add a trim tab. I purchased a Ray Allen rudder servo kit. It was time to install it.

I cut in an access panel as close to the forward rudder hinge line as possible. I wanted to keep the weight of the servo as close to the hinge line as possible. I will mount the servo directly to the access panel.
The trim tab itself is 6 1/2" X 2 1/2". That is as large as I can make it staying between two ribs. I decided to stay away from cutting any ribs as I want minimal change to the structure. I added a u chanel to close out the rudder opening and the tab out of 0.030 aluminum and hinged on one edge.

I had to make a second close out U chanel for the rudder as I forgot to allow for the hinge thickness and created a slight bulge. I also had to add a spacer to the froward edge of the trim tab as the skins pulled inward after they were cut and my U chanel was too narrow.

I put a small joggle in the pushrod to add clearance to the exit hole.
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panel and trim motor

panel and trim motor

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access hole with doubler

access hole with doubler

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trim tab

trim tab

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