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Date:  12-10-2015
Number of Hours:  3.00
Manual Reference:  
Brief Description:  Rudder cable and misc clean up

I had a few tasks that have been hanging out there to complete for a while.
First I made up fittings to attach the rudder cables to the rudder pedals. I made both sides exactly the same, thinking of course, the rudder cables would be a matched pair of equal length. Nope .... one is 1/4" longer than the other. There is no adjustment in the linkage except varying the length of the fabricated fittings. Only problem is, that Vans only provided enough material for one go. I will need to scare up a piece of 4130 to make a new shorter set for the right side.

I also got my son out to help me buck a few last rivets on the belly and tail cone. They were hard areas to get to, and he is just learning (first time helping) so the results were less than perfect with a few dings. Doh!
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cable hook up

cable hook up

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