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Date:  10-31-2015
Number of Hours:  4.00
Manual Reference:  
Brief Description:  rudder cables, static lines

While I waited for the rudder bearing block mounting plates to dry, I decided to pull the rudder cables. That ment getting back into the tailcone. You have to take each snap bushing back out again, force the cable end through and snap them back into place. To do that, you need to be IN the tailcone.

I added a couple of patio furniture cushions to distribute the load. I also remover the center rear bulkhead support (not riveted yet, since I knew it would make this step harder), the battery hold down and disconnected the elevator pushrod forward end. With that I could then get back there without hurting anything or myself.

While there, I decided to get the static lines run. To support the lines I used two Adle clamps and added nut plates to the bulkhead. That was the most difficult part of the activity. All was acomplished. I then used self adhesive pads with zip ties to bring the line forward. I still need to drill and add protective gromets to get past the next few bulkheads. I also still have about 15 rivets in the tailcone that I could not get by myself that I need the wife to help buck.

Perhaps tomorrow.
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static lines

static lines

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rudder cables

rudder cables

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