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Date:  10-30-2015
Number of Hours:  3.00
Manual Reference:  
Brief Description:  Rudd Brake assemblies

This is a fun step. The rudder pedals are assembled to the weldments. The brake cyllinders are added. Fittings are threaded in. Lines go in after they are installed in the fuselage.

Next step is to fabricate and mount the assemblies in the plane.

The bearing blocks are drilled with mounting holes. Mounting plates are drilled bebured and primed. I tapped the bearing blocks on to the end of the rudder pedal weldments. A very tight fit. After bolting the bearing block mounting plates on to the longeron, the pedal assembly is set into place. Only after bolting the right side in palce and torquing the bolts do I notice I have the left mounting plate installed and torqued upside down.

Out it comes, Back in correctly it goes.

Then I notice an extra hole in the longeron that would move the rudder pedals rearward about an inch. I am about 5'10" so probably don't need the extra leg room, but until the seats are in, there is no way to tell. The other thing is that the swing of the pedals before they hit the fire wall seems very short. I'll have to wait to hook up the rudder to see if that will be an issue as well. I am also suprised how stiff the movement is. I expect they will loosen up, but may need a little help
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in place

in place

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