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Date:  2-1-2015
Number of Hours:  4.00
Manual Reference:  
Brief Description:  Tail feathers attach

Well, the tailcone is finished. The last step was to assemble the battery tray and bellcrank mount and loosley install them in the tailcone. The bulkhead, front upper skin, etc. all get installed at the empennage attach to the main fuselage .... so no more to do there.

Next step is the tailfeathers attach, then glasswork to install all of the elevator/rudder tips.

The last two weeks have been mostly 'Honey Doos' with a complete rebuild of the shower (see pic). In general, I am my own worst enemy as I picked the complicated pattern.

I have made a little progress on the RV-10. I was finaly forced to move my GP-4 fuselage out and into storage. The shop reorg and cleaning added about 8 hours that I will not count towards the build. The pieces of the RV-10 are getting too big. The stabilizer and vertical stab are attached and as close to perfect as I can make them. I put some pretty good dings in the Vert Stab now that I look at it again, and may decide to build another one. I'll talk to an EAA Tech Counseler about possible repairs such as filling etc..
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critical bolts

critical bolts

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elevator attached

elevator attached

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rear view of the vertical Stab

rear view of the vertical Stab

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