I'd previously set my stick to sidewall placement to allow for the Cozy type stick controls that I bought. These were .75" displaced from the plans location. Having set things up I found that many other clearances now had problems.
I went back to my flying plane and very carefully measured the stick throw and position and came home with a plan to displace my front stick by .5" towards the wall and the rear stick back .75" to plans position. Why do I make things so hard for myself?
I first filled in the control bearing holes in the front and rear stick 'holders' with equivalent plywood using flox for my adhesive. I'd intended to apply glass to each side after it cured but found the glue job so successful that I've just recut the holes and its all good.
Pic 1 shows my plywood disc floxed in. I was pretty careful with the fit and it worked out well as you see in Pic 2 with that now cut out. Pic 3 is the front stick after the cut and refit.