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Date:  3-17-2016
Number of Hours:  6.00
Manual Reference:  16-1
Brief Description:  Front Console Mounting brackets 1

I spent quite a while hot gluing those little plates onto the side consoles and then checking for the fit, then doing it again.... I went with just doing the lower three points for now. It will make the upper ones easier rather than doing them all at once and finding I'm a little out.

With the temporary glue holding the plates I added clamps and drilled them out. Once happy I cleaned up the angles and drilled out and countersunk for the nutplates. Then it was another clean up and alodyne to the nice bronze colour. Next was hard riveting the nutplates as you see in pic 1. This sure takes a while. Yes I did label them so I didn't mix them up.

Pic 2 shows I have layed out tape and positions in the wild hope that once I flox these brackets in place I will be able to get the console off.

Pic 3 has things all set and curing with lots of flox. I've checked the angles of the consoles and lets see how it goes.
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Nutted and alodyned

Nutted and alodyned

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In place ready for the flox

In place ready for the flox

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Weighted cure

Weighted cure

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