

Home of the Spodplane

Date: 7-18-2021
Number of Hours: 1.00
Manual Reference: 09-07
Brief Description: Main gear fairings and heatshield

Trimmy, trimmy, all OK.
Upper fairing came out nicely. I left it with a 1/2" flange for the moment. Occurs to me I can make it removable with some sort of fastener at the trailing edge, with the halves joined at the leading edge. Hmmmmm. Put it aside for ponder, then put it back because it sits there happily and it looks good. The ragged hole above the gear leg has bugged me for years.
Filled fillet on port brake cover with flox and layed 2 x BID over the inside of the gear fairing part, overlapping 1" inside and outside the cover.
I also patched the aft attachment hole with an overkill 2 x BID inside and out. Probably only needed one on the inside, but it has locally reinforced the forward hole, and probably made it thick enough to use a countersunk screw. Hmmmmmmm.
Had always intended to make composite heatshields to protect the gear legs from the brake rotors, in accordance with an article I read years ago in a magazine. I made a prototype, and it looks like sh!t. A hefty metal one is possible, but I begrudge every bit of metal that goes on my composite aeroplane, and I don't want to do that either. Suddenly realise there is a product at Autobarn Aerospace that will work with the fairings I am constructing; Stick on heatshield. Hmmmmmm. Comes in PLATINUM! And it will mold the to the profile I have made. Hmmmmm.
Remove the caliper bracket, and fill the gaps fore and aft of the gear leg with flox, and run a flox fillet under the cover mount bracket. Run 2 x BID tapes over the outboard face of the fairings, overlapping 1" onto the gear leg, or butting up to the axle base.
I've been taking pictures throughout, but none after this are stored for a while for some reason...

First actual picture of gear fairing extension on brake cover

Another, as I overdo patching






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