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Date:  2-10-2015
Number of Hours:  6.50
Manual Reference:  
Brief Description:  MLG Outer Cover, LB install

Torqued up Landing Brake/Hinge bolts/nuts.

Made a support for the exterior of the MLG Outer Cover out of 1" insulation foam. Not a good choice as the bondo slightly melted the foam.

Floxed on Actuator Bracket and torqued up screws/nuts.

Layed up inside of MLG Outer Cover, 1 x 2" tape over flange, then 2 x BID overall, mostly out of scraps, running out of good size scraps though.

Spent an age getting my head around the axle install instructions. Convinced I'm missing something, because however I look at it there is interference between the Axle and the Caliper, when all is assembled on the Torque Plate. I'm, (quite unfashionably), using the plans Cleveland brakes. Some people I trust have them, I don't see a huge advantage in being able to melt my gear legs with a really hard stop. :) I also have a high-capacity conversion kit for the Clevelands, but not planning to install it unless testing reveals a need, or maybe use it for servicing later.

Started a ply template of the MLG Strut cutline, and to get my head around the Caliper clearance.

This is a puzzlement and an embuggerance. Time to hit the archives, or ask some questions.
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Torqueing up the hinge bolts

Torqueing up the hinge bolts

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Installing Actuator Bracket

Installing Actuator Bracket

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1st layer BID, over the tapes

1st layer BID, over the tapes

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