Brief Description: Level Airplane and Mark for Cowling Trimming
Since the baggage door is completed I can now mark the reference line on the fuselage which will then allow me to mark a cut line on the cowl in order to get it fit to the airplane.
I marked the reference line on the airplane measuring the 2 inch marks with my six inch scale and then connecting the dots with my 18 inch long flex scale. I then placed the cowl on the airplane and measured back from the reference line to the cowl the same 2 inches to mark the cut line. I will stay away from the line a bit in order to have room to sand and fit the cowl to finish the fitting.
I then took time to level the airplane so it would be ready to also trim and fit the sides after getting the back trimmed and fit which will drop the sides a little and allow me to work on trimming them accurately. It took a while but I finally got it level with using different size boards and stuff to get it level.