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Brent s RV-8 Project N784DE
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Date:  3-14-2010
Number of Hours:  4.70
Manual Reference:  
Brief Description:  Circuit breaker (c/b) panel wiring #5

More of the same. I had no idea how tedious this wiring stuff is. I am enjoying it, but hours of bending over into that fuselage is getting old. I'm ready to get this part behind me.
Today I continued to work on cleaning up the routing of the wires behind the c/b panel. I completed all of the required c/b wire and then I moved on to the infinity stick grip terminal strips also located behind the c/b panel. Once I have this done I can finalize everrything but the AFS magnometer wire that will transit the panel, but it shouldn't be a big deal.
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AFTER - Not the wires are not as chaotic as the next pic

AFTER - Not the wires are not as chaotic as the next pic

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BEFORE - what a mess!

BEFORE - what a mess!

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