KitLog pro

Powered By Kitlog Pro v2.0

Darrel's Kitfox - SS7
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Date:  2-22-2024
Number of Hours:  8.00
Manual Reference:  None
Brief Description:  Skinning center wing panel

This is a catch-up log entry - over several days a lot of effort has gone into getting the center wing panel skins to align properly so they could be match drilled to the ribs and then rough cut to close to final size (where the inboard areas will eventually go up against the fuselage). Ordinarily this wouldn't be such an effort but for some reason one rear bottom skin came with the trailing edge bread (bend) too far aft. Positioning it to fit properly on the rear ribs meant the predrilled holes mating to the spar were too far forward in relationship to the nose skin pre-punched holes so a new location for those holes had to be determined, laid out, predrilled and then final drilled.
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Marking the skins for cutting

Marking the skins for cutting

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Rough install complete

Rough install complete

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