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Date:  4-9-2018
Number of Hours:  4.00
Manual Reference:  
Brief Description:  Right tank rear baffel

Installed the rear baffle to the right fuel tank today. I mixed 110 grams of proseal which turned out to be about perfect (100 grams/10 grams for a 1/10 mixture) I had to break into the second quart can for most of the mix. It looks like two-quart cans is way overkill. 1 quart and one-pint kit would have been more than enough.

The left tank baffle took me 6 hours to complete (with the Z bracket screw up) The right baffle took 3 hours from start to finish. That included cleaning up all of the clecos. Proseal is messy stuff. If you don't want it everywhere, you have to constantly wipe tools off.

The tanks are done. Overall working with proseal, wet riveting etc. is not as terrible as it's made out to be. I found gloves to be hard to work in and settled for lots of wiping with paper towels.

I'll let them cure for a week or so, then test for leaks.

I also have an older pint kit from back on the tail feather trailing edges. I have had it in the freezer for the last 2-3 years. I didn't trust it for the fuel tank, but used it recently to install the NACA vent in the rear and it sets up fine, no issue. I guess I put the pint and extra quart back in the freezer when I am done with the aileron and flap trailing edges.

Taking a week off to go to Sun n' Fun and check out engine shop options among other things
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eft and right tanks with rear baffel installe

eft and right tanks with rear baffel installe

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