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Date:  3-18-2018
Number of Hours:  9.00
Manual Reference:  
Brief Description:  Left and Right Fuel tanks

Assembly of the tanks is typical with cutting apart stiffeners and z mounts. I used the table saw with a carbide blade and was able to make quick work and very clean cuts. Then deburring of the various parts. Cleco together and match drill. Not much priming as the inside of the tanks will get no primer.

Initial assembly of the left fuel tank is complete. The right tank is finished up to the rear baffle and Z brackets. Once they are both together, they come apart to be deburred and dimpled

I didn't realize the fuel level indicators would be needed so soon, and are not part of the kit. I will order tomorrow. Still waiting for the tank sealant from Vans

The pitot and aileron servo came in yesterday. The pitot mast is back ordered, so still waiting. I also have a quart of Stewarts Ekoprime on the way to finish up the last pieces needing primer. That will make 2 1/4 gallons to complete the plane interior.
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In the process of first pre-assembly

In the process of first pre-assembly

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Pre-assembly and match drilling  completed

Pre-assembly and match drilling completed

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