Brief Description: Assemble Rear Spar and Aileron Brackets
Preassembled the Aileron brackets which included the Service Bulletin parts for the inboard bracket Primed and riveted the brackets for both wings.
Prepped the rear spar for the left wing by adding the doublers, drilling, deburring and priming.
I added another 7 hours of work today riveting the left and right rear spars in place. I messed up on the smaller rear spar doubler W-1007C by counter sinking the bottom row of holes on the wrong side. After double checking I had the part correctly oriented, I went ahead and machined the wrong side .... dohh! At least I caught it before it was riveted in place. I will have to get another part on order from Vans Monday. In the mean time I left the inboard two ribs unriveted until I get a replacement piece.
While I wait for that piece I can move on with the top skins.