Brief Description: Floxing the CS Spar to the Fuselage
I was at the hangar for 12 hours today. Michael, who has helped many times dropped in yesterday and pointed out that the trolleys I'm using had rubber wheels. That was making things harder to set up as they would move a little. He had some other helpful ideas too. Today had me on blocks but still chasing my tail.
I though I had it all set by 2pm but there were two more hours of trying to get the waterline correct as well as the incidence. I was happy enough with the sweep. Incidence I could get at zero but the waterlines were more of an artform. In the end I've set for correct at both tips and about .4" lower in both centers. So I have a tiny amount of wings up. I suspect it will all change after gluing things as it moves around depending on how you hold your face. I have done my best here.
The wings are supported inboard of the FC1 blocks so the rest of the tip is just hanging relaxed. I've shimmed at the spar and that FC1 so that when the flox sets all will be correct. Well I hope so. The fuselage was zero across the longerons and zero along the tops although what really matters is where the canard goes in relation to the wings. Still, it should look straight when you sit in it.
I floxed in the spar spending a long time working the flox through. I used to fix guitars and its the same skill as a broken neck. Work that glue in one side until it comes out the other. That done I added some peel ply so the flox wouldn't sag too much. I made a heat tent and got over 27C for six hours into that area. It got down to 4C elsewhere in the hangar. Brrrr Long night.