I spent quite a while with the plans and making sure I understood where the inside hard point layups were going. Then I marked out 45 degree lines for the inside BID layup and peel ply positions and spent a day or so cutting glass and trial positioning.
This is very tricky as the angles of 45 are needed on each face and it does your head in.
When I thought I had the picture I removed the glass and piped in micro from a cake making piping bag to fill the corners so I'd get easier transitions. This worked out well and once dry I sanded them all dull.
From here I went ahead and in the coming days did micro the sides and bottom and began the layup. About half way through I was loosing control of the glass bias and in the end pulled out all the wet glass and filled my rubbish bin. From here I let the micro cure and spent a couple of days sanding the inside of this spar box dull, I was very careful.
So it becomes a hardshell layup which is fine. The next 3 weeks I was back in the hangar doing the annual (under supervision) on my flying Long-EZ so a second try had to wait a bit.