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Darrel's Kitfox - SS7
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Date:  4-12-2024
Number of Hours:  1.10
Manual Reference:  None
Brief Description:  Sealed rear cockpit bulkhead

As mentioned earlier, I modified how that fuselage skins connect where there is a pretty significant change in the angle between sheet panels. This left small holes where air would have been able to transition - from the outside in or the inside to the outside. Neither is desirable. So, a bit of fiberglass tape was in order. Since the job is not structural, I opted to us really old catalyst and it shows - a very golden-brown color but although it took longer to cure, it did (finally) cure. I'll be adding one more layer just to make sure that any pin holes are sealed. (I know, over thinking a nit!)

And, final installed the flanges that "seal" (or, close out) the fuselage to the center spar.
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Sealed leaks

Sealed leaks

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Closeout installed

Closeout installed

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