Today was circuit breaker (c/b) layout day. I decided on a fairly simple electrical architecture modeled after Aeroelectric Connect Bob Knuckoll's Z-11 generic light aircraft DC pwr distribution schematic. I plan to use c/b for some things and fuses for non-essential items or items that I don't care to have another way to turn off. This saves weight and money as c/b's run $20 a piece. Anyway, I layed out 18 c/b for the custom c/b panel that I had previously fabricated to close in the tilt panel. I am still working on it and I may add a couple more breakers to the final product - we'll see. I had some space constaints behind the panel due to the intercom and the over lap between the two panels. The top row are the buses (main/avionics/ebus) Second row is systems (pitot/flaps/trim/spare/spare) Third row is lights (interior/nav/strobes/landing/taxi) Fourth row is individual avionics (EFIS 1/EFIS 2/GPS/Nav-Com/Xponder)
other items, like hobbs, flood/baggage lights, intercom, etc will be fused.