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Brent s RV-8 Project N784DE
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Date:  11-27-2009
Number of Hours:  3.50
Manual Reference:  
Brief Description:  Wiring layout #2 (switch tilt panel)

Spent the first bit of this session scratching my head over where I wanted the switches to go. I know I wanted to consider ergonomics over any other consideration but still use the space wishly. I opted to go for starting and systems switches that are usually used only on the ground getting the airplane powered up and have the switches that are used in flight near the throttle quadrant. That left me with essentially just lights on the panel above the throttle and all other switches on the tilt panel located on the right side of the cockpit.
Switch order from fwd to aft.
-L / R mag
-Master / Alt
-alt field c/b
-boost pump / EFIS (for start)
-start button
-avionics master / pitot heat (won't be using this much)
-E-bus (load shed guarded switch)

Above the throttle from left to right will be:
-nav lgts / strobes / taxi lgt / ldg lgt/ interior lights (not set on the order just yet).
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The holes drilled into the tilt panel.

The holes drilled into the tilt panel.

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hardware installed - I short one switch (need to place another order)

hardware installed - I short one switch (need to place another order)

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Here's what it will look like in the cockpit.

Here's what it will look like in the cockpit.

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