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Date:  4-13-2019
Number of Hours:  8.00
Manual Reference:  
Brief Description:  Trim covers and vent acuators

The rear seat vents as supplied by Vans leave a lot to be desired. In addition, I have limit switches for the door pins that are exposed as well as the ELT antenna on the right. In a fortuitous acquisition I picked up 8 first class eye 2-inch eye vents which have been used for front (2) and overhead (4) leaving 2 left.

I fabricated an aluminum panel that covers the area. With a lot of trial and refine fitting I fashioned a leaver style handle to actuate the vent. I installed an eye vent on each side to provide fine control and aim the air blast for the passengers. The trim on the actuator slit is a model airplane pushrod bezel. The fitting of the panel is a slip fit on the front behind a spring-loaded tab and Velcro at the rear. The panel will be wrapped in the blue leather.
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Before cover

Before cover

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Lever made and attached

Lever made and attached

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Completed cover before leather wrap

Completed cover before leather wrap

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