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Date:  12-29-2023
Number of Hours:  1.50
Manual Reference:  09-06
Brief Description:  Landing brake actuator

Used forced inability to build to reorganise and clean the shop over the last couple of days. Have found my favourite 'local' shop that stocks Wests, (Martini Fibreglass in Geelong), will be open on Jan 02.

Did a little bit of fettling on the canopy latches, but haven't got my head around them all yet.

Set the missing two nutplates for the upper cowl.

Fitted landing brake actuator and actually measured the travel. Another builder expressed surprise at how far mine opened, said it looks like 80 degrees, in such a manner that led me to believe this was more than optimum. I measured it and was astounded on two levels: #1 It was exactly 80 degrees, good eyeballing Andrew! #2 Anything over 70 degrees starts to put pressure on the hinge.

Down tools for the day, and put the question to the Cozy Builders what the angle is supposed to be, I can't find it anywhere in the plans.
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