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Date:  5-27-2024
Number of Hours:  5.00
Manual Reference:  23-08
Brief Description:  Oil cooler planning

Over the last couple of days, placed the oil cooler in my planned location, and immediately see this is a problem. If I put it here it will have to be mounted on the lower cowling, and will have to be uninstalled everytime I drop the lower cowling. Others have buttressed it from the spar with various structures, and I can see that the closer it is to the firewall the easier it will be, provided I leave room for the travel and installation of the aileron pushrod and the rudder cable, with its quick connect, and I must leave room to get the wing root heat shield in or out.

I find a nice looking Asik oil cooler installation bracket on ASS, and decide I can effectively copy it. I set the oil cooler up so its plane of installation hinges nicely with the firewall, and pack it.

I grab some scrap non-aviation angle and mock up one side of the bracket. I fill the gap betwixt with some 0.016" stainless sheet, and bore a 30mm hole for the rudder cable, but it is a bastard to work, so discard it and use some mild steel sheet instead.
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Option #1, not really an option

Option #1, not really an option

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Here looks better

Here looks better

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Starting to come together

Starting to come together

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