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Date:  5-23-2024
Number of Hours:  6.00
Manual Reference:  CC18-17
Brief Description:  Managing canopy frame leading edge gap

New resin MGS L285 batch 340178

Fettling, fettling. Over the last week sanded fill again for zero interference. Sanded a curve on the upper edge of the leading edge of the canopy frame, and am now not horrified by the appearance. It maybe just looked worse with the CF showing through in the gap. IDK. Canopy opens and closes with no interference or groaning noises and looks OK.

Have been experimenting with methods of installing/removing the canopy and am making progress. Have also discovered that if you remove the flange screws/bolts with the gas struts in place the canopy will suddenly descend on your arm like a guillotine and make you regret your decisons...
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Fettling, fettling

Fettling, fettling

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Like a close-up on an ugly face, soft focus makes the result look nice

Like a close-up on an ugly face, soft focus makes the result look nice

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