KitLog pro

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Des' Web Site
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Date:  5-18-2024
Number of Hours:  4.00
Manual Reference:  
Brief Description:  Windscreen

I finally determined the best position for the windscreen to sit on the bow so today I taped it there and sanded the excess material whilst it was in position. I used lots of masking tape to protect the paint on the bow and used a long sanding block so as not to produce lumps & bumps along the rear edge. It was a little awkward because more than half the rear edge required no trimming at all, one side required only 1 or 2 mm be removed whilst the other side overhung by about 5 mm. I sanded the edges smooth to a small radius.
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Overhang to be trimmed

Overhang to be trimmed

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It tapers to nothing over about 50cm

It tapers to nothing over about 50cm

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Holding it in place with tape

Holding it in place with tape

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