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Date:  9-28-2023
Number of Hours:  3.00
Manual Reference:  
Brief Description:  Windscreen Bow / Windscreen

This morning I did more sanding on the windscreen bow, I think it is now very close to being correct except for the latch pin position. The interior side panels will need to be trimmed again to allow for the increase in dimension of the bow ends.

The windscreen itself, has never been out of its wrapping since being delivered, today KLH & I unwrapped it & placed it in position to see how much material will need to be removed. Very little, if any it seems! In fact it appears to be trimmed almost exactly to size and it also has 2 alignment holes already drilled. I have noticed that in one area, the bow appears to be shaped at the wrong angle and not letting the 'screen lay against its surface thereby making the edge in that area sit about 4mm high. Its very early days in this process & there will need to be much more looking, measuring & contemplation before I even think about trimming anything.
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