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Wendells RV-6A
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Date:  4-4-2024
Number of Hours:  5.00
Manual Reference:  ElectroAir
Brief Description:  Troubleshoot ElectroAir Failure

Happy ending but hours of troubleshooting electrical connections in the ElectroAir EIS today. Previous engine start began on Left Mag only. After start and running ok, I switched on EIS and thought I heard a slight increase in RPM. That was good. So, I then went to do a mag/EIS RPM check and turning off the Mag killed the engine. No EIS. I followed ElectroAir Troubleshooting Instructions and confirmed electrical integrity throughout the system down to the twin coil pack. Boom. I had purposely installed the coil pack upside down to facilitate space and wiring ease. However, I forgot to reverse the spark plug connection order. So, EIS was actually sparking the bottom plugs but right before the Exhaust stroke and at the end of the intake stroke (before the compression stroke began). Picture 2 was what I wrongly did long ago, and the final picture shows the corrected order. By design, each coil fires two plugs at same time. One is on compression and the 2nd is on Exhaust if wired correctly. Next engine start will hopefully confirm proper behavior of the ElectroAir system.
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1 of 11 tests. Display shows correct resistance of the magnetic sensor in the Mag Timing Housing.

1 of 11 tests. Display shows correct resistance of the magnetic sensor in the Mag Timing Housing.

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Coil Pack upside down, but wired for right side up.

Coil Pack upside down, but wired for right side up.

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Coil Pack upside down and wired properly.

Coil Pack upside down and wired properly.

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