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Bill & Brendas RV-8 QB
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Date:  7-25-2014
Number of Hours:  1.50
Manual Reference:  
Brief Description:  Fitting wing tips-1

Started the wing tip fitting process today.
I first measured from wing metal edge inbd to wing obd rib. I transfered that measurement plus a "smidge" to the fiberglass tips goggle edge and marked (photo 2). I then used my trusty dremmel and cut off that sliver of material all the way around each tip and then block sanded smooth and even.
The aileron obd edge is Not in alignment with the wing obd edge. So the area along the aileron needs careful measurements to clear the aileron but not leave too big of a gap. I Put a ruller along the joggle and used that to extend a straight line to the aft edge of wing tip. I took measurement from the aileron obd edge obd to the edge of wing skin and then transfered that measurement to the fiberglass tip.

Cut out the matereal to clear the aileron with dremel and block sanded. The plans call for a 1/4 inch gap and so I should be able to work the clearence after the tip is drilled and clecoed to the wing.
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Cur for clearence around the aileron obd edge

Cur for clearence around the aileron obd edge

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Trim wing tip edge to clear obd wing rib when installed

Trim wing tip edge to clear obd wing rib when installed

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