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Waynes Bearhawks
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Date:  4-20-2011
Number of Hours:  5.00
Manual Reference:  
Brief Description:  Setting right wing flap

"I took the flap off again and made the adjustments then put it back together. It lined up a lot better so I marked the hinge attach angles for attachment to the flap spar. The hinge is not centered in the opening but favors one side to allow a bolt to fit into between the side and the hinge and slide into the opening. I was working on mounting the hinge attachments when I got a call from Jared. He was in town and wondering if I happen to be working on the Bearhawk. I ran into town and picked him up. It was great to have Jared over and we had a nice visit. I finished mounting the attach angles to the flap spar and Jared helped me fit the flap onto the wing. The middle hinge was a bit difficult but we were able to get it lined up. The flap move with no binding noted.

Next I started on the aileron. The hinge lines up best with the premarked dill points as published on the plans and as I marked them when I layed out the spar caps. I drilled out the top hole then bolted on the hinge to drill the bottom hole. I have the drill bit that Eric shows in his manual to drill the aileron hinge but I still haven't brazed it yet to the tubing to lengthen it. I went to use the gas torch and my acetylene tank was empty. Jared and I jumped in the car to run down to the welding supply store but they were closed when we got there."
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Setting Flap Hinge Attach Angles

Setting Flap Hinge Attach Angles

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Hinge Attach Angles Mounted (Note Offset Mount to Accommodate Bolt Insertion)

Hinge Attach Angles Mounted (Note Offset Mount to Accommodate Bolt Insertion)

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Jared Snapped a Picture - Me Drilling For Aileron Hinge

Jared Snapped a Picture - Me Drilling For Aileron Hinge

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