7/1 4 Prepped garage for paint Primed and applied basecoat to ailerons, lower cowling and front deck 7/2 4 -Taped off lower cowl and added blue basecoat -Clear coated ailerons, lower cowl and front deck -Primed upper cowl -Messed up first coat of base due to forgetting to spray out residual lacquer thinner. Will fix tomorrow. Third times a charm. 7/3 4 Sanded and epoxy primed left wing Finished paint on top cowl.....so much trash and a big clear run. 7/4 1 Wet sanded trash on left wing Started wet sanding front deck w/1000 7/5 3 Finished basecoat/clearcoat on left wing 7/6 3 Sanded and buffed left aileron Started right one Floxed in new nutplate on right wing 7/7 2 Sanded and buffed right aileron Sanded out run on top cowling 7/8 2 -Sanded and buffed lower cowling then dropped it on the driveway and ruined the paint -Started sanding left wing with 1500 7/9 4 BL wing sanded to 2000 TL wing 99% done w/1500 7/10 2 Finished left wing sanding Patched right wing hole 7/11 2 Filled wing patch Worked on balancing right aileron Made mold and melted lead weight 7/12 2 Drilled and mounted weight 7/13 2 Clearanced wing for counter weight Glassed wing cutout 7/14 3 Epoxy primer applied to wing 7/15 1 White basecoat painted on right wing 7/16 3 Painted blue tip and clearcoated wing Started fabricating tachometer bracket 7/18 1 Drilled bracket holes 7/19 2 Finished bracket mounting and wired sensor 7/20 2 Made lead block for left aileron Drilled and balanced aileron Clearanced wing for counterweight 7/21 2 Finished counterweight Glassed cutout 7/22 3 Trimmed fiberglass cutout Buffed lower left wing 7/23 1 Wet sanding top cowl 7/25 2 Wet sanding right wing 7/26 4 Wet sanding right wing 7/27 2 Finished wet sanding 7/28 3 Buffed lower side Took wings to airport 7/29 2 Prepped/painted rudder and tail fairing 7/30 3 Primed fuselage 7/31 6 Painted fuselage