Brief Description: Getting closer to the final canopy trimming
Tonight I removed the protective plastic from the canopy since it was just getting in the way and I think I am handling the canopy carefully enough to prevent scratches. After nibbling away at the front part of the windscreen all week, tonight I made a larger cut to the sides and the rear of the canopy. I am much closer to the final trim. From the photos you can see the vinyl tubing spacers (wrapped in blue painter's tape) affixed to the canopy frame. These spacers hold the canopy about 1/4" off of the frame, which is the right spacing for the adhesive I will use to bond the canopy to the frame. Next, I shimmed the front of the canopy frame up so that the slider portion of the frame comes into contact with the canopy. Next, I will drill the frame to the slider mechanism to fix that height.
Canopy almost trimmed to the final fit
The windscreen fits just fine now, no more trimming needed
Shims under the slider canopy frame to lift it up to the canopy