Got to try and get the cowl finished up so I cleared off a bench and got to work sanding the area that I built up with SuperFil. I had tape all around the area to keep from digging into the cowl and sanded across the entire opening. The buildup around the opening is now less than .010 and I will use that to blend in with the door once I build it up with glass.
I then decided to dimple and rivet the hinge on to the cowl as it would need a light coat of fiberglass over the rivets as well.
Finally, i turned to the oil door. I needed to build it up to be even to the top of the cowl. It needed more buildup towards the bottom part of the door and less towards the top. So I cut four pieces of cloth and cascaded them so the door would be thicker on the bottom when all four layers were placed on the door. Put some peel ply on top and letting it cure over night.