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Bob's RV-8 Build Site
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Date:  7-30-2023
Number of Hours:  4.80
Manual Reference:  
Brief Description:  Cowl Prep and Electrical

Though it was still going to be hot....the forecast was to be about 10 degrees cooler and a mild cold front that passed yesterday took away quite a bit of humidity. I decided to get back on the top cowl and try to get more Smooth Prime on it to keep the progress going so I wouldn't be working on all the fiberglass at the end since it takes time to cure.

I took the last of the can #1 I had and laid coat 4 of the primer to the cowl. The good thing about Smooth Prime is that it is water based. Putting a coat of primer on the cowl only takes about 20 minutes or so and cleans up with far I really like the results.

The only problem with the Vans "Pepto Bismal" pink cowlings are the honeycomb mesh that causes divots to form (see build log 6-19-2023 for further explanation). I called the folks at Poly Fiber who make the Super Fil epoxy filler and asked them if there was a way to thin the product with acetone or other chemical because the consistancy is on the thicker side. The tech suggested just taking a heat gun and applying a little heat to thin the epoxy mixture being careful not t overheat. Using a piece of aluminum as a pallet I mixed some Super Fil and using the heat gun heated up the filler I watched it as it appeared to thin. I took the spreader and sure enough it really spread easier and thinner. I had to reheat a few times untill the batch was all spread...I think this will work well....we will see tomorrow.

Rob pointed out an area where he thought the wiring should have some more support since it was near the left rudder cable.....I agreed so we worked together to change it.
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Smooth Prime

Smooth Prime

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Super Fil test area

Super Fil test area

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A little wire work

A little wire work

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