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Bob's RV-8 Build Site
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Date:  5-19-2023
Number of Hours:  2.90
Manual Reference:  
Brief Description:  Sand and glas cowling

I sanded the entire upper cowling with 150 grit sandpaper. I realized that before spreading primer I needed to put glass over the rivets for the hinges.

The upper cowl hinge line/rivets were already sanded so I took the cowl back in the shop after cleaning it off to run some 3/4 oz glass over the area. Upon looking at the cowl there were some fairly large pockets (as compared to pinholes) that followed along the seam just under where the honeycomb and fiberglass layups met. I figured it would be best to cut 2 inch wide by 32 inch long 3/4 oz fglass and lay it across and up the cowling where it would cover the pockets and the resin would fill the pockets. The plan seemed to work well and I placed peel ply over everything to allow it to cure. Peel ply not only makes the suface smoother after it cures....but it also allows the fglass underneath the peel ply to be smoothed out without wrinkling.

With that done I went and got the lower cowl and sanded the sides where I would place the fglass and peel ply over the rivet/hinge lines. I prepped and cut two more pieces of thin glass. I did have an issue with running out of peel ply. My handy 2 inch roll was about done and for some reason my ACS order that was supposed to be in today.....wasn't!!! I do have some peel ply from a bolt of fabric that I cut two strips of peel ply to cover the lower cowling....fortunately because peel ply makes a world of difference in the finished product!
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Upper cowling sanded and glassed

Upper cowling sanded and glassed

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Lower cowling glassed

Lower cowling glassed

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