KitLog pro

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Date:  11-1-2018
Number of Hours:  8.00
Manual Reference:  
Brief Description:  Strut covering, drain holes

Spent most of the day in the hangar with the two other airplanes going through anuals and the rain pouring outside. We even had spectators. I tried to cover the struts with Monokote, but it didn't stick at all. It was a good idea, but didn't work. I will have to paint them now. I drilled drain holes in the base through the plastic covering though. I finished the baggage compartment sack where it comes up over the headset connections and has the headset pouches. I installed the rest of the interior trim on the pilots side. Tightened the fuel low sensor again to stop a fuel seep. Bent some aluminum sheet in a u to form door protectors over the bottom of both doors.
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