Flew again this morning, A little breezy but not too bad. Went up to 3500 and did the approach to stall. Decided that I should see the real thing too. The full stalls were almost 10mph slower than the first indication of stall. It stalled at 31.5mph with full flaps. Pretty impressive, but I have to do the airspeed calibration again to make sure. I did one today, but it didn't seem quite right. I will need a less windy and bumpy day. The new wing twist worked out perfect and it flies almost hands off. The pitch trim was still not enough with the flaps full. The prop seems to be working as designed. I think I was just interpreting the lights wrong. The second flight was not as stressfull even though the landing was not great, it was under control in the gusty winds. I went up again a little later and did a traffic pattern right away to see how the winds had increased. It was not a perfect landing, but it was on the centerline. I went back up and tried to do some testing down south but the turbulence was too bad and I returned. Three landings today. Great feeling, especially with everything working right. Washed the aircraft for the first time too. One of the pictures shows the flooding from the previous days heavy rains. Got mud all over the wings, even the top of the flaperon, as you can see. Still need to set the caution ranges on the Dynon, but the warnings are fixed.