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Date:  10-7-2018
Number of Hours:  1.50
Manual Reference:  
Brief Description:  2 - Battery box assembly and installation

I clecod and riveted the battery box together. There are no instructions for this so I had to make a lot of assumptions as to which way the rivets are installed. I chose to install them from the inside out so the shop head doesn't interfere with the battery. I don't have a battery to test it with yet, but I figured this would be the safest choice.

I had to install the 4, 1/8" rivets to the firewall with the shop heads internal to the box since there is no room in the box for a rivet gun at this point.

I also installed a collection of grommets in the firewall.
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riveting battery box

riveting battery box

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side rivet clearance hole drilled

side rivet clearance hole drilled

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battery box & grommets installed

battery box & grommets installed

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