I opted to use manual trim in this bird because that is what im used to flying, also, less maintenance, wiring, circuit breakers, etc.
Im not entirely pleased with the 1/4" slop in the cable but it will do. This cable comes as a vernier cable with a quick release button, similar to a mixture cable. The directions have you gut this thing open and remove the quick release function and replace with a estcutcheon of your choice. Removing the button restricts the movement to the twist (vernier) function only. THis protects from someone making any inadvertent abrupt movements to the trim / control surface, potentially over stressing the airframe.
While routing the cable i found that my auto pilot servo bracket was in the way..... so I installed a couple grommets and went through it.
Also had to drill a hole and install a gromet in the closure beneath the fuel valve.
It's a pretty tight double back bend
routed through AP Servo Bracket
Removed quick release button and installed metal shiny cap