KitLog pro

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Date:  7-22-2008
Number of Hours:  3.00
Manual Reference:  19.6
Brief Description:  Install and Rig Elevator

36. Install and Rig Elevator

connect cables to bell crank fittings. connect with machine screw, tighten
tighten cables to moderate tension
verify w/ smart level at least 38.5 degrees elevator travel (39.4 actual)
adjust to make sure up-stop hit before stick travel
- travel on elevator slightly longer than travel on yoke, so only 1 end (up travel) stopped by rudder stops
adjust elevator cables to 26"lb tension
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connect cables to bell crank

connect cables to bell crank

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tighten cables to moderate tension

tighten cables to moderate tension

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adjus elevator cables to 26

adjus elevator cables to 26"lb tension

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