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Date:  7-18-2022
Number of Hours:  6.00
Manual Reference:  
Brief Description:  Windscreen bow

Over the past 2 days I have installed the windscreen bow. The dimples marking the mounting hole positions in the bow, as described in the build instructions, were not convincing in their presentation and only 1 per side was evident so I decided to mark my own. Firstly I installed the rivnuts then manufactured some templates to mark the positions referenced to those rivnuts after attempting to have the bow in the correct position relative to the canopy frame. Lots of tape held them to the bow so I could drill in the centre of the templated positions. The aft edge of the bow is not straight with the majority of the canopy/bow mating surfaces being parallel and a tapering gap evident on both sides, widening at the bottom, I imagine this is to allow for varying clamping compression of the seal when the canopy is closed (at least I hope that's why it is there!). Anyway. I have drilled the required holes & the bow position appears to be very close to being correct. It may be a little low but we won't be certain of that until the windscreen is installed.
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Bottom gap left

Bottom gap left

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Bottom gap right

Bottom gap right

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Edges are together for majority of the span

Edges are together for majority of the span

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