

Jean RV6 Construction Log

Date: 5-14-2024
Number of Hours: 6.00
Manual Reference:
Brief Description: Alternator, starter & baffle tension rods

Today I installed and connected the alternator & the starter. Simple about what had to be done, to make a perfect installation required much manipulation, shortening the wire going to the alternator controller.
You can also see how I routed the cabling of both units in the second picture.
Then, this was another attempt, this time successfully, installing the baffle tension rods. This is a pain to install, due to the very limited space, sizing and making the rod fit is definitely complicated for the big hand man. Worst of all , thos miniature metal nuts 6-32 are a challenge to get them on the thread and then to screw them, I must have emptied all my tools along with a few not too nice words along the way ! This is now done and I will never remove that ever again !
Tomorrow my belt will be arriving so I will reinstall the cowling so I can finish the rubber seal on top of the baffling system. I think once this is done, I probably will have to keep working on the look of the cowling but I will probably start the priming preparation as time on my end is running out for my schedule !

Alternator & starter

Cable routing

Baffle tension rods cyl. 2 & 4






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