All skins but the nose skin was fairly easy to rivet in place without too much stretching and I was happy to see that there was an inspection hatch for the main wing junction particularly as the Swedish EAA now request that this should be installed in all new home builts. The nose skin was another matter. Unfortunately I was a bit eager and tried to stretch the skin by holding it at the edge. Thats a no no and will cause dents The only way to get it in place is to use the straps (as many as possible - I used nine) and gradually, step by step, starting from the middle working outwards, gently increasing the pressure until the skin follos the shape of the nose ribs. Finally everything fits - like a miracle. I also had a little problem with the wing tip and almost closed it before I realised that I need to attach a strobe. I rivetted three anchor nuts behind the plastic tip to screw the strobe at.