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Jims RV-8
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Date:  5-14-2024
Number of Hours:  2.60
Manual Reference:  
Brief Description:  Fuel Vent and Flap Sensor work

Bob and I worked together tonight as I lay in the fuselage trying to get a good view into the gear towers to thread the fuel vent fittings onto the union. This job is tricky since the gear towers have tiny openings, are slanted, and are crammed full of wires, fittings, and tubing at this point in the build. I didn't want to do the gear tower mod, but I completely understand why some builders opt to do it.

Each fuel tank vent is in three pieces on this build. Each tank has a vent allowing air to come in and replace the fuel leaving the tank on its way to the engine. The air enters the vent tubing tubing that hangs down in front of the landing gear, in the slipstream, on the bottom of the fuselage. Since the Grove gear slides in place from the front of the airplane, I made this length of tubing short, as it had to be removable, for when the LG was installed. This tubing connects to the second section in the gear tower and then continues up to the top of the gear tower before it comes back down and goes out the side of the fuselage and into the wing where the fuel tank is. Bob and I installed and tightened the first part of the fuel vent path, and we will move to section two next. With that done, we focused on getting the travel arc correct on the flap position sensor.
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Vent tube entrance hanging in slipstream can be seen in center of pic

Vent tube entrance hanging in slipstream can be seen in center of pic

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Attach point in gear tower - look easily accessible, haha

Attach point in gear tower - look easily accessible, haha

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